We’re in this together.
Amanda Reyes - Co-Founder
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Amanda is the organizer of this project. She’s in charge of creating the website, content, gathering the images, etc. She is also the owner of the small business Art Printer which is the fine art reproduction company that will be fulfilling the orders.
Jason Speth - Co-Founder
Jason Speth is a Los Angeles native who is donating his time and work to help raise funds. He’s in charge of outreach, marketing content, business admin etc. Jason is an LA based photographer specializing in travel, marketing, and lifestyle photography.
Jayson Matias - Social Media
Jayson Matias is a Los Angeles native artist. His side hustles include being the Social Media Master at Art Printer. He’s donating his social media skills to the cause to help those in need.
Want to Volunteer?
We are a tiny but mighty team and we can use some help with the following:
Graphic Design for Marketing
Public Relations
Getting Sponsors
Help with packaging orders
And we’re open to suggestions to make this a successful fundraising campaign!